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Feeding Stations & Toilets

Feeding stations

  • NSC
  • Marown School
  • Ballafreer
  • Cleaynagh Road (east)
  • Cleaynagh Road (west)
  • Glen Darragh Road
  • Oatlands Road (west)
  • Oatlands Road (east)
  • Ballakelly, Old Castletown Road
  • Santon Church
  • Mill House, Ballavar, Old castletown Road
  • Orrisdale Road (east)
  • Orrisdale Road (west)
  • Rushen Abbey entrance, Ballasalla
  • Malew Church
  • Billown Farm
  • Arbory School
  • The Level, Colby
  • Rushen Church
  • Ballakilowey Picnic Area
  • Ballakilpheric
  • Sloc (bottom)
  • Sloc (top)
  • Round Table crossroads
  • Eairy Cushlin (1)
  • Eairy Cushlin (2)
  • Dalby village
  • Glen Maye
  • Gordon
  • Knockaloe Museum, Patrick
  • Peel Town Hall
  • Devil's Elbow
  • Berk Farm, Glen Whyllin
  • Maughold Church


Toilets - (sanitary products will be available at portaloos only)

  • The start - National Sports CentreSanitary products will be available
  • Ballafreer
  • Marown School car park
  • Glen Darragh Road
  • Cleaynagh Road
  • Oatlands Road
  • Santon Church
  • Orrisdale Road
  • Ballasalla Commissioners
  • Abbey Church Hall
  • Malew Church
  • Arbory Church
  • Arbory School
  • The Colby Glen Hotel
  • Rushen Parking Field
  • Rushen Church
  • Ballakillowey Picnic Area
  • Bottom of the Sloc
  • Top of the Sloc
  • Round Table crossroads
  • Eairy Cushlin
  • Dalby Village
  • Gordon
  • Glen Maye
  • Peel Town Hall
  • Devil's Elbow
  • Kirk Michael
  • Bishops Court
  • Ballaugh
  • Jurby Church
  • near Smeale Farm (portaloo)
  • Bride
  • Andreas Village and Church
  • Lezayre
  • Ramsey Masonic Hall
  • Ramsey Commissioners
  • Maughold village
  • Glen Mona public house car park
  • Dhoon Glen
  • Laxey village
  • Onchan Church
  • Port Jack
  • The finish